Asylum Appeal Solicitors & Immigration Appeal Solicitors

Our UK Immigration Solicitors have successfully represented in numerous asylum appeal applications and we understand in detail the complexities of the process. With a strong team of technically savvy Immigration lawyers we can ensure that your asylum application is presented accurately and concisely.

What is an Asylum Appeal

Unfortunately, a lot of asylum applications are refused by the Home Office. The reasons for refusal may vary from lack of credibility, insufficient evidence provided in support of the application to incorrect information provided on the application form.

You will always receive an asylum refusal letter which will set out reasons for refusal in detail and also provide information on how to appeal and if you are eligible to make an appeal.


Following refusal you normally have 14 days to lodge an asylum appeal. Lodging an asylum appeal requires completing IAFT-5 form and setting out your grounds of appeal. It can be done online or on paper.

Once an appeal is lodged, the First- Tier Tribunal (FTT) will register it and assign an appeal number. This number is used for all the communication with the FTT.

The next step is for FTT to list it for a hearing. If you decide to have your case heard by virtue of an oral hearing then an immigration judge will hear the case. Asylum appeals are normally prioritised at FTT and are listed as soon as a slot becomes available.

Oral hearing is normally attended by the Home Office representative, an applicant, his or her legal representative and any witnesses the applicant wishes to call to give evidence.

After hearing the case, an Immigration Judge normally reserves his or her decision and delivers it in writing in a few weeks’ time.

If an appeal is allowed, it means that you have won the case. The Home Office normally has 14 days to appeal to the Upper Tribunal. If they do not do that or do not get permission to appeal, you will be granted refugee status.

If an appeal is dismissed, the applicant has 14 days to appeal to the Upper Tribunal on a point arising of law, i.e. if the applicant believes that the FTT Judge made an error of law in his or her determination when assessing the applicant’s case.

This is a complicated area of law with a heavy documentation requirement and requires particular skill. At London Solicitors our specialist asylum solicitors can help you gather the necessary documents and create an effective holistic appeal against the secretary of state’s decision to refuse you asylum. We can either represent before the tribunal ourselves or instruct a specialist barrister on your behalf. We can help you understand the entire asylum application process and help provide the necessary documentation assistance and present your case with legal arguments and previous supporting case law. London Solicitors has an impressive success rate for asylum appeal applications.

Asylum appeal solicitors , Asylum lawyers in London UK , Claim Asylum in the UK , Immigration Appeal Solicitors

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