A Guide to Avoiding Boundary Disputes
A Guide to Avoiding Boundary Disputes

Owning a property is a dream for everyone. This significant milestone seems easy, but it comes with challenges related to property boundaries. A simple misunderstanding over property can lead to legal battles, strained relationships, and high legal costs. Such issues related to boundaries mostly happen during fence installation or building extension. Hence, it is crucial to understand your property boundaries and take the necessary steps to prevent disputes. In this blog, we will be penning down an answer to your question, ‘What do you need to know about property boundaries and disputes?’

Understanding Property Boundaries

Before we move ahead, you should know what exactly property boundaries are. Property boundaries are lines marking the edges of a property you own. There are licensed surveyors who define these boundaries by conducting a survey. The surveyors follow techniques to determine and map out the property. This ensures that boundaries are recorded accurately.

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The property boundaries are commonly defined in the property deed. A property deed is a legal document outlining specific information regarding measurements, locations, and other aspects of the property.

Common Causes of Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes don’t arise without any reason. Some of the reasons or common causes of boundary disputes are as follows:

Why is it Difficult to Find the Legal Boundary of Your Property?

The state has properties spanning over billions of square feet. HM Land Registry is a government agency that compiles information regarding the legal boundaries of each property in England and Wales. As a result, finding the accurate property boundary can be difficult for the HM Land Registry.

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This happens because the HM Land Registry’s plans are based on large-scale ordnance survey maps, which don’t provide accurate information. The plan mostly covers the general boundaries of a property, not including its physical features. Simply put, the HM Land Registry offers information about property boundaries concerning size and is not responsible for determining maintenance information.

Steps to Avoid Boundary Disputes

To avoid property and boundary disputes over a fence or driveway, the following are the steps to follow:

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Understanding and respecting property boundaries is always better. This will help you to maintain amicable relationships with your neighbours and protect your peace of mind. By taking the necessary steps and clarifying and marking your property lines, you can avoid misunderstandings and boundary disputes. Despite everything, if there is a dispute, seeking professional advice will ensure you an amicable solution to protect your property.

If you need help with your property dispute, contact London Solicitors today. Our team of solicitors is experienced in resolving property disputes concerning boundaries!

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